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Just Ask...

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

I was asked recently a few times about my age where I was mistaken for an 18 year old. This is very reassuring to me as when I was coming back into modelling I felt insecure about my age being 27 years old. I kept quiet about my age as often as I could for a while. Although I knew there were older models in the modelling business they don't usually start out older. However I've been learning that there is significantly more diversity for models nowadays. There are models who started their modelling careers in the 40s or even 60s. I even know a local model who started modelling at the age of 30.

You're never too old.

It's also reassuring to be back and know that I definitely have NOT lost my edge but have honed and improved my modelling skills and acting. I feel more "me". I'm back and better than I was before.

Since making my return to modelling professionally and finally beginning my professional acting career too at the age of 27 years old; I have been utilizing social media for networking, asking questions to many many people, inquiring about work, finding work and yielding the fruits thereof amidst building up my online presence trying to make a living creating and selling my artwork. It's a lot of work... more work than some people realize.

"Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let not your hands be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well." - Ecclesiastes 11: 7

It's good to have more than one skill to build a career upon as one might prosper more than another plus I am doing what I love. So if one works out more than the other I still get to do what I love. I tell you from experience it's much better than working miserable mundane part time jobs like I used to back in the day. However if you can find a good part time job for some steady income it is a blessing as good jobs can be hard to find and sometimes even harder to secure. Fun fact: I actually juggled three part time jobs while in High School working in a deli, at Tim's and at a drug store while cramming my school courses, still working hard scoring high grades in school and acting in school plays on top of all that. I know a lot about hard work, suffering and settling especially in a rough environment.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. - James 1: 2-4

It's hard to believe that facing trials, hardship, torment, torture of any kind can be any good. It's no wonder so many people give up, give in or take an "easy way out" and take an unethical route or end up doing evil things to achieve their goals, but in truth it doesn't really help them much in the long run, it actually makes things A LOT worse for them. But have you just asked yourself...

How much is your soul worth?

I don't want to gain the world and lose my soul.

I'm on Earth for a reason. Though to me it seems I'm late and out of season.

There's a time for everything. Though it doesn't make much sense to me I know its gonna take some time.

So keep pushing, keep pressing on, keep persevering to do what what you were meant for. God gave you your dreams, hopes and ambitions for a reason. You have more purpose than you know.

It's worth it to keep holding onto to the truth, to your integrity even when it's tough. It's worth the wait. Perseverance pays off. I can tell you that it is so amazing to overcome and persevere that which seemed impossible. It's worth it. Keep trying. Keep going. It's far more impressive to be a seasoned warrior than to go about life the easy way. Don't envy the proud, the arrogant or the likes of these. In time their pride will pay for itself.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life. - Proverbs 13:12

I read a quote on social media that a local screenwriter re-shared saying how hope is NOT this delicate little thing but rather hope has been through hell and is still toughing it out. That tells you something how much MORE of a beating it takes for hope to be crushed, destroyed and totally obliterated... I know what it's like. I what it is to be of this brokenness.

It took me a long time to learn that to be this broken is nothing to be ashamed of. It is proof of the suffering. There is proof in the pain. Truth is in the proof.

As seasoned warriors learn to persevere in integrity, so to overcome the hardest trials in life should be considered a badge of honor.

Your brokenness is not your weakness it can be your advantage to become even better than if these horrible things never happened to you at all... if you choose.

Whoa dude! I just went very profound and philosophical there. That's just the way I write... I guess... it's just the way I am...

I initially just wanted to write something to accompany announcing that I've been steadily working hard searching within my "skinny budget" to update my modelling portfolio throughout this past winter like how a hawk searches for food in the desolate tundra in the wintertime where food is scarce.

I hope all that I just wrote spontaneously and thoughtfully is meant for someone or some people out there who need to read it.

So the big lesson is if you work hard, search hard, ask questions, search hard, keep inquiring, keep searching, keep asking around and don't give up on your dreams even when it seems tough or seems like its going nowhere in the here and now... it is worth it to persevere.

Perseverance pays off. It's worth it.

Just ask. Ask one thing at a time. Ask many people. Ask as many people as you need to. Ask whatever you need. Ask around. Persistence pays off. Not everything you want to have happen will happen all at once. Not everyone will help you, some will give you bad advice, but these ones help you appreciate the ones who actually do some real help even if they only do little to help. It's a journey of taking steps one at a time towards where you really want to be in life. It's better than staying stuck where you are stagnating into the slow decay of the prison of hopelessness.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Matthew 7:7-8

God provides. It is true. I ask and when I choose to accept God's help, God does provide... just not always when I want it to happen but God still makes it happen according to the perfect timing... even when I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. God knows what to do. #Godisreal


So now to the original point of why I wanted to write this long blog post. My mind just goes all over the place doesn't it?

So after years away from modelling it was like waking up muscles that were previously dormant at the first photoshoot of making my comeback into modelling with Soko Fotohaus in December 2022. Ever since I have been getting better and better.

Living in this age where taking selfies is the norm with so many people taking bad selfies (myself included LOL) I think people in general are learning to appreciate that modelling is a real skill.

I know it might come off vain or like I'm gloating but I'm just trying to pass on the truth as honestly and truthfully as possible. I really hate doing the self-promo thing. But I got skills with modelling and acting. I'm definitely NOT washed up. I am still very able to model and committed to building a real prosperous career in modelling, acting and hopefully sell more of my artwork too. It would help. Seriously I need the money. Just being honest. Sometimes I really dislike when people assume I'm rich when I'm wearing my designer clothing I bought second hand from thrift stores for a few dollars. I'm not ashamed to say I thrift. I'm a smart shopper who cares not let perfectly good things go to waste. The "treasure hunting" in thrift stores can relate to searching for opportunities in life as well when you are working with what little money you've got. It's a challenge. But it's a challenge that invites creativity.

Ingenuity is born out of poverty.

As some of you reading here know well that I am an all around creative thinker. There is adventure in creativity. I was always meant for more... for adventure. Thank God that adventure is not always bought. You don't always need money to have adventures happen. That's something I like about modelling, acting and selling artwork is that anything can happen anytime. I never know when a client may contact me or when an opportunity or an adventure will come.

Below is a little photo gallery of recent photography by several professional YEG local photographers. Spanning from December 2022 to April 1st 2023.

I now have an updated portfolio. I am totally open to paid modelling work as well as acting work.

I'm still working on getting my demo reel together for acting. Though I have a great agent for acting I am on the hunt for a good modelling agent as well. I've had experience in the past with two other local modelling agencies so I already have a list of questions for my next potential modelling agent(s) that could be summarized as "Who will see me and actually see my potential, who can actually provide a real prosperous career in modelling for me and know that I'm not some flyby hobby model but rather I am an ambitious professional fashion model that has done the work to earn praise from photographers and others who I have worked with -- praise from both in the past even years ago and recently as well. Who will get me quality paying work without trying to scam me into paying for modelling classes or test photoshoot packages I do not need. I have the experience and the skills. Who will get me the work?"

Potential agents: Please contact me directly, see the contact box at the footer of my website.

I am also looking to do more editorial photoshoots to submit for publishing to magazines.

I joined Kavyar very recently. For Those who do not know Kavyar is a site where you can submit to magazines to publish your work. A friend told me about it after I asked her about how she's been published so many times. See... it pays off to just ask.

Only taking paid bookings for modelling and selected TFP opportunities for magazine submissions. For bookings and inquiries...please feel free to...

Just ask.


These are just a few of my favourite photos from the recent photoshoots from December 10, 2022 to April 1, 2023. There are more favourites but I just wanted to show a sampling for this blog post. There are more photos on my portfolio page on my website, on my new Kavyar page and on my social media.

Link to my portfolio on my website

Instagram @artbybaw


I am wearing a strapless top in the photos where my clothes are cropped out of the photos.

I do NOT do nude modelling!

Photographer credits:

Dec 10, 2022 | Soko Fotohaus ---

Dec 31, 2022 | Raymond Wong --- (hobby photography)

January 19, 2023 | JEVGLAM Photoshoot ---

Feb 4, 2023 | Griselda Portraits ---

Feb 8, 2023 | Danielle Phillips ---

Late March | Me using a tripod and timer for my camera... working with what I got... again.

April 1, 2023 | Morgan Hanson ---

In photos taken by Morgan Hanson. Makeup was done by makeup artist Steph Bueckert

I also want to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped me so far. From connecting me with the right people to giving advice and even the small pieces of encouragement.

I truly appreciate it!


© Brittany Wittmeier

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© Brittany  Wittmeier

Art by BAW est. 2018

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