Just thought I'd share how this wolf-to-be is going so far. I know it looks pretty weird right now. I'm still stumped on what to title this 18"x 24" artwork in progress. If you want to suggest a potential title please go for it, I'm curious what you might think. Sometimes I'm really bad at thinking of a title for my artwork. So I'm open to suggestions. Please feel free to leave a comment.
A Little Update: I've decided to turn my focus significantly more on the creating of artwork rather than posting about it every week (posting can get surprisingly more tiring than it sounds). So if you don't see any posts from me for a while please do not worry I have definitely not given up on my artwork or anything like that. It's just the larger artworks take more time to create and I'd much rather spend more time drawing and painting rather than thinking of what I'm going to post about my drawings and paintings every week.
If you were hoping I was going to have a new YouTube video this month, I am very sorry. The way things have been going lately for me it looks like I won't be able to publish a video for this month. I'm really sorry about that. However I do have clear cut plans for future videos: one of which includes a tutorial on a unique and super safe way to store pastel and charcoal artwork that I "MacGyver-ed" using inexpensive materials. If you're interested please subscribe to my Art by BAW YouTube channel and click the bell so you can be notified when I share my next video. Thank you and #haveaniceday